Every day, thousands of microbes infiltrate the body, and the human immune system immediately tries to neutralize them. However, some microbes and foreign agents that can't be avoided enter the bloodstream and pose a serious danger. These foreign agents are called antigens. But the immune system produces substances called antibodies, that act against these antigens, and try to destroy them and prevent them from multiplying. How can one cell recognize hundreds of thousands of different foreign ones? Moreover, how does it attain the ability to recognize a substance that has been synthesized artificially? Even if we accept that antibodies can somehow recognize antigens in the body, it is still astounding that they can also recognize an antigen they have never come across before. In addition, since the antibodies can identify the foreign agent that has entered the body, they then produce the most effective weapons to use against it. Coincidence cannot explain how a mechanism inside the body can possess such astonishing information about the outside world. This fact leaves the evolutionists in a bind. Having failed to explain with their theories antibodies' ability to identify all types of foreign agents entering the body, evolutionists try to gloss over the topic with illogical, scientifically unacceptable explanations. One example of the explanations of how an antibody can recognize synthetic antigens can be seen in the words of Turkish evolutionist Professor Ali Demirsoy: ... A cell that has developed the ability to synthesize an antibody against a chemical agent which was made synthetically in the 20th century must be a clairvoyant. (Professor Ali Demirsoy, Kalitim ve Evrim (Inheritance and Evolution), Meteksan Publications, Ankara 1995, p. 420) As Professor Demirsoy suggests, evolutionists admit the perfection in living things, but try to explain it away with quite imaginative methods. They try to hypnotize people with magical statements like, "This is a miracle of evolution," or "This cell must be clairvoyant." However there is an extraordinary situation here. The word clairvoyant is used for people who claim to have precognitive abilities. The fact that a cell has knowledge about things that exist far distant from it is quite extraordinary. A cell composed of lifeless atoms cannot be expected to possess strong intuitive powers or knowledge about the future by coincidence, of its own accord. To make such a claim is to exceed the limits of reason and logic. This much is apparent: These antibodies were given their talents by God, the One Who has knowledge of everything down to its smallest detail. God makes the signs clear to you and God is All-Knowing, All-Wise. (Qur'an, 24: 18) |
23 Haziran 2010 Çarşamba
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