The 100 trillion cells in our body work together in perfect harmony. To bring this about, the cells need to closely keep aware of one another's functions. For this purpose, they produce messenger molecules known as hormones. Thyroid hormone, for instance, controls the rate of metabolism in all cells. The insulin hormone regulates the amount of glucose in the blood and facilitates its entry into every cell in the body. Aldosterone stimulates the kidneys and so keeps the level of water and salt in the blood in balance. For the production of red blood cells, the message sent by the erythropoietin hormone is necessary.
2. Thyroid stimulation 3. Ovary and estrogen production 4. Sperm production 5. Release of ovum, and secretion of estrogen and progesterone 6. Production of testosterone 7. Control of adrenal cortex 8. Water retained by the kidneys 9. Milk secreted from mammary glands 10. Contraction of the womb | Hormones are molecules responsible for sending messages back and forth between cells. Thanks to these molecules, all of the body's processes can run flawlessly. Hormones control events we are not even aware of, from our blood pressure to our growth. |
Many hundreds of other hormones allow for the continuous communication among cells. Moreover, this takes place with the same perfection in every one of the billions of humans and animals on Earth. Without hormones, there would be no order in the body, only chaos and neglect.
But how can one cell know what another cell should be doing at a distance of centimeters away? How does it know what hormone will bring about the desired effect? And in addition, how does it know the structure of this hormone, or obtain the materials needed to make it in the first place?
The only logical answer is that everything in the body has been created with a certain plan of great knowledge and consciousness. The order found among the 100 trillion cells in every single person out of the billions on the face of the Earth is proof and wisdom of God's creation and His uniqueness.
God bears witness that there is no deity but Him, as do the angels and the people of knowledge, upholding justice. There is no deity but Him, the Almighty, the All-Wise. (Qur'an, 3: 18)
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